Team Subscription
Please Note: At least 2 of your team must go ahead with a subscription for the discount to apply.
Please read the terms and conditions here before starting.
Team Subscriptions Instructions,
Unlike other stores we don't make you pay for licences you don't use by setting bands of licenses. E.G. 6-10.
Every member in your team gets 25% off. This brings the cost down from $150 to $112.50
To receive your 25% off team coupon, fill out the form on the right with the exact number of subscriptions you need.
Once we have processed this you will receive a tailored coupon by email.
Give this coupon to your team to purchase "Individual Licences" using their own credit card or set it up for them using your school credit card. (Unfortunately, we only accept credit card payments)
The coupon will run out once all of your team has purchased a Licence.
If you require more licensees, come back to this page and type in the "More Details" area that it is an extra license. Make sure you have your school name filled in.
The terms and conditions are the same as the normal "Individual Subscription.
Subscriptions will automatically update from the credit card used every 12 months at the discounted rate
If a team member leaves please get in touch so that we can transfer the account to your new staff member.